Carla Jalbert

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Channeling from my guides for the first time!

On Feb. 19, I started channeling from a higher consciousness for the first time in my life. As I have been studying with Suzanne Giesemann, I was taught how to open myself up to this. What transpired is truly nothing short of incredible. I have tapped into my guides everyday writing pages and pages of transmissions. The main guide is a collective consciousness calling herself Naomi. I am including here what happened on that first day and when I asked specifically about the COVID.

February 19, 2020 

This morning, in my meditation, I asked for the spirit with the highest level of healing to come in.

I’ve never had anything like this…my body started rocking and my head was rolling around in 360 degree. My body was moving!

I started chanting things I didn’t understand…then I was chanting something along the lines of “Odeja a Agapay”….

When I asked who it was, my left hand went to my chest back and forth and I said, “I am the light. I am the light. I am the light.” When I asked for evidence, it showed me the word ‘Agape.' I had heard of the word, but didn’t know what it meant. 

After 30 minutes or so of this happening, I stopped as I could hear my kids. I looked up Agape.

Agape (Ancient Greek ἀγάπη, agapē) is a Greco-Christian term referring to love, "the highest form of love, charity" and "the love of God for man and of man for God”.


3/5/2020 (I asked specifically to share with me on the Coronavirus.)

I am the light here to guide you now through this perilous time and helping others to help themselves in a way that they haven’t before. To go deep within and see what is really there beyond the veil of their humanness. It’s scary for some, as they have not looked before and what they see, they may not like—having nothing to do with the coronavirus—just the stark reality of their humanness. 

We are all going to die at some point. We are just not reminded of it in a way that has provided such fear as right now. So, with the reality of death comes the hysteria that has gripped the world. It’s time for people to look inside and see what is really important in their lives. Where our focus has been as a society is so crazy off balance. This is helping us to return to see what is true: our light within...our light that is eternal—it will continue. 

This is always a truth—that we are going to die. But, we’ve lost our focus as a culture of what is important. The focus has been on the material possessions and the haves and have nots. When the truth is, we all have—we have the light within that will never go out. So, life is precious, our lives, our loved ones. 

We need to take a look around and tell each that we love them, to breathe deep and soak in the beauty of what we have….to be reminded that there is so much more on this level. We need to take a look and appreciate what we have…so breathe deeply and be grateful for another day—for this moment—it’s beautiful—it is sacred beyond measure. 

When you tap into this place of sacredness and appreciation, you allow your body to be filled in with the healing light and energy that you are—you are relaxed. You don’t fret over the flu each year. You just go about your lives during flu season. Soo, now, see this as a gift to take stock of your humans, your frailty and appreciate the wonders of this incredible life..your body with love for it —your spirit will soar.  

Breathe deeply and feel grateful for this experience in human form, for we are all eternal beings, beings of light that will continue on beyond this body..this physical life time. So, this gives us a wakeup call, that life is fragile and not to be taken for granted. To know that physical death is a possibility each day—we just don’t acknowledge that fact so willingly, but when we do, we can go a little deeper into the sacred and mystery of life. 

Beyond the veil of the physical and material realm to what really matters: Love and loving those around us. So drop your fear, awaken to the beauty and ddinvinty thatyouare. Be clear that you are so much more than a body or a role you play or a clever thing you say. You are light and divine being. So deeply loved and held by so many in this life and beyond. Tap into this sacred fact and trust that all is happening for a higher purpose and reason. 

We will come out (after the virus) as a society and a world the better for it.

Be clear. Namaste—  Ronaldo

It’s cracking us open and this cracking is painful for many. Especially those who haven’t “taken a look under the covers.” They are the most scared, so don’t let their fear of cracking open scare you. They are the ones in control of the media who use fear to sell papers—yes, there is a virus—a flu—but they are capitalizing on this to flaunt their power of “being in the know.” Do not let their fear enter your energy field. Be extra clear in filling yourself with your light and life force—extend your auric field out farther than normal. 

The fear is more devastating than the virus. The fear weakens your immunity and vibration. Be prepared. Be smart. Just not scared. The energy of fear is among the most destructive. Breathe out love and strengthen your energy field with love and divine light. Model for your children how a bright light shines regardless of what’s going on in the world. 

You will survive and thrive and become closer to your neighbors and friends. As we are in our own vulnerability of being human—as we celebrate our gratitude of being in this world for a short time. We celebrate the sacredness of being in the now—being present, awake, alive and projecting the love and light that we are. Shine bright my friends, shine bright.

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with love, Naomi